Tuesday, August 18, 2015

6TV Projects, Journalism, Events, Media Relations: Objectives:To organize the media sources in diffe...

Apply for Certificate Course on  Event Management with live project in TV Channel.Interested persons contact : P.Venkatesham Gupta, PRO, 6TV Channel, Road No.45, Jublee Hills, 9912772635

6TV Projects, Journalism, Events, Media Relations:
Objectives:To organize the media sources in diffe...
: Objectives: To organize the media sources in different volume of business wings, as per the designed projects in accordance to the sea...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

To organize the media sources in different volume of business wings, as per the designed projects in accordance to the seasonal events and program leads, we need an in house trained man power in the categories of Statistical Journalism,

Event Management and Enterprenuership courses. To meet the success rate and aware of our project demands , it is better to start with real time trainee students from our media for economical and safe executions.
This initial concept shall benefits both the media and as well the trainee to get confidence level to go further large scale programs in economy mode to launch some more future projects with better association with us.